
Let me welcome you in the words of Benjamin Disraeli by which, I think, I can explain myself better. Disraeli said we need better education to have better thoughts, to be better human persons, to build a better society. These three are the pillars on which any education system of the world stands.

We all know that today we are living in a fast-changing complex society, which presents before us challenges as well as opportunities.St Mary’s Arcadian School imbibes such contemplation among the students that they shape their own life and destiny by not overcoming the hurdles; but by accepting each impediment as an opprtunity to grow.

As part of education we also imbibe Life Skills and Sports which in their turn show our students the path towards achieving the best in life.

The hallmark of education that we promote is the one by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, and the intellect is expanded. We do not pursue success, it is just an end result of our system of education that we inculcate among our students.

As a deep believer in God, my earnest prayer to Him is to bless our students to have strong roots firmly stuck inside the ground and stronger will to be the master of their destiny!!

For God and for Motherland!



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